Welcome to the
Rara Avis Antique Book Shop
the very first Polish antiquarian bookseller in the web

We are the very first Polish antiquarian bookseller in the web.
In our activities we focus on buying and selling antique books (published before 1945), maps, prints, posters and photographs. We organize Antique Books Auctions three times a year. We are interested especially in Polish Avant-garde editions.
About us
Rara Avis Antique Book Shop and Auction House was founded in June 1992 by Zuzanna Migo-Rożek and Janusz Pawlak. We are a member of the International Federation of Dealer Associations CINOA and Polish Association of Book art Dealers SAiMP (Zuzanna Migo-Rożek served as its president between 2009-2015).
Ways of cooperation - Auctions - Commission
We manage a commission sale in our shop, we buy items for cash as well. Special and rare lots get into our auction catalogues, which we publish three times a year.
Over the past 25 years we have used our experience to develop the complete service that our clients need. If you like to sell your books, contact us
Rara Avis Auctions
We arrange book auctions three times a year.
You can collect purchased items n our shop in Szpitalna 11 from Monday or we can ship them to your place.
2022 Auction schedule: 134th auction - 12-13th of February, 135th auction - 11-12th of June, 136th auction - 15-16th of October.
The Auction online was held on the 11-12th of June, 2022 (Saturday-Sunday) without the audience participation through the OneBid service.
You can buy the unsold items for asking price (+10%) until the Saturday,
18th of June, 2022.
We encourage you to use the form available next to the auction catalogue.
After that some of them will be available in our shop online.
We answer every additional question.
Archival Rara Avis auction catalogues
There are thousands of rare books, maps and prints passed through our hands during almost thirty years of work. Explore our prevoius auction catalogues, check the prices. Some items may be still available!
Archival catalogues are available in PDF format only. There are auction results uploaded below each catalaogue.
Any questions?
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Contact us.
Contact us
Szpitalna 11, 31-024 Kraków
Working hours:
Mon - Fri: 10 - 18
Sat: 10 - 14
Bank PeKaO S.A., III O/Kraków, ul. Szpitalna 15, 31-024 Kraków
international transfers: BIC = SWIFT KOD: PKOPPLPW
IBAN: PL56124022941111000037088455
NIP: 676-000-05-69
Regon: 350556539